What to Know About Long-term Care Medicaid in Colorado
5 Minute Read
Do you or someone you love need long-term care?
If so, understanding the basics of Long-term Care Medicaid can be an invaluable resource. Long-term Care Medicaid helps Seniors and Disabled Adults pay for the high costs of ongoing medical and personal care services. In this blog post, Stacy Osborne, CEO of Beneficent, will discuss what Long-term Care Medicaid is and how it can help those in need of ongoing medical and personal support.
What is Long-term Care Medicaid?
“Since April 1999, Beneficent has been privileged to successfully assist more than 3000 families and individuals through the long-term care Medicaid and VA applications while preserving assets.”
Long-term Care Medicaid is a financial assistance program that helps pay for medically necessary long-term care services. This includes nursing home care, home health services, assisted living facility services, adult day health services, hospice care, respite care, and more. It is available to people who are aged 65 or older; blind; disabled (as defined by the Social Security Administration); or medically needy (those who have high medical expenses which exceed their income).
Eligibility for Long-term Care Medicaid in Colorado
In order to qualify for coverage through a state’s Long-term Care Medicaid program, individuals must meet certain criteria regarding their residence status and citizenship/immigration status as well as a financial assessment. The financial assessment looks at things like income level and assets owned by the applicant. Since April 1999, Beneficent has been privileged to successfully assist more than 3000 families and individuals through the long-term care Medicaid and VA applications while preserving assets.
Benefits of Applying for Long-term Care Medicaid
“Though it can take some time to navigate through all of the paperwork involved in applying for coverage under one of these programs—it could end up saving money in the long run while providing much needed relief when it comes to accessing necessary healthcare services. ”
Applying for Long-term Care Medicaid can provide numerous benefits to those needing long-term care assistance. Not only can it help cover the cost of needed medical aid such as nursing home stays or home health aides; it could also cover the cost of personal aids such as assistive devices like wheelchairs or walkers; transportation assistance; meal delivery programs; homemaking and chore services; adult daycare centers; medication management programs; personal emergency response systems; occupational therapy; physical therapy among other things that many seniors need assistance with on a daily basis.
Overall, applying for Long-term Care Medicaid can be an invaluable resource if you or someone you love needs ongoing medical or personal support due to age, disability or any other qualifying factor that might make them eligible for coverage under a state’s specific program guidelines. Though it can take some time to navigate through all of the paperwork involved in applying for coverage under one of these programs—it could end up saving money in the long run while providing much needed relief when it comes to accessing necessary healthcare services. Ultimately this could lead to better quality of life down the road—making it worth every step taken along the way!