Delany Yochum
“One thing you should know about me is that I hate feeling lost. I have reoccurring nightmares about being lost. I still shudder at the memory of when I got lost in Target at age 3 – deeply traumatizing. Fortunately, a nice lady in Target brought me to the front where they called my mother’s name over the intercom. ”
One thing you should know about me is that I hate feeling lost. I have reoccurring nightmares about being lost. I still shudder at the memory of when I got lost in Target at age 3 – deeply traumatizing. Fortunately, a nice lady in Target brought me to the front where they called my mother’s name over the intercom.
I found our clients frequently feel completely lost before engaging with Beneficent. There isn’t a clear direction on how to get Long-term Care benefits in place, and running out of money is a serious reality because of the high costs of Long-term Care. That feeling of being lost, maybe the worst feeling on top of being stressed about the quality and cost of care for a loved one.
In my current role as a Case Manager, I am honored to walk hand in hand with clients to navigate them through programs that pay for Long-term Care. The relief and gratification I get to provide to clients is priceless and deeply purposeful. The work we are doing at Beneficent of course impacts the applicant receiving benefits, but also generations, and the loved ones all around them.
So there you have it, there’s a little bit about me, and why I love what I do. I look forward to connecting with you!
I began my career working for an Interior and Architecture company in Marketing and Graphic Design. I love being creative and thinking outside of the box. However, after a few years, I felt a void in purpose-driven work and personal growth.
I then started doing freelance Marketing and Graphic Design work. During this time, I was open to any job opportunities and ultimately sought personal growth and work that I was proud to be a part of.
Beneficent was a Marketing and Graphic Design client of mine. Over time, I was very interested in becoming a Case Manager and working with seniors, disabled adults, and their loved ones to get Long-term Care benefits in place.